
সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৯ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

Privacy & Policy - SM Development(Known as New Year 2020)

SM Development fabricated all application as a Free application. This SERVICE is given by SM Development (known as Valentine Day) at no expense and is planned for use in its present condition. SM Development ( Valentine Day )  Developer Page Link :  https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=4987093423629898015 In the event that you utilize our Service, at that point you consent to the accumulation and utilization of data in connection to this approach. The Personal Information that we gather is utilized for giving and improving the Service. We won't utilize or impart your data to anybody with the exception of as depicted in this Privacy Policy. Data Collection and Use For a superior encounter, while utilizing our Service, we may expect you to give us certain by and by recognizable data. The data that we solicitation will be held by us and utilized as depicted in this protection approach. The application uses outsider administrations that may gather data used to recognize